Fixed Cost Project,fix-bid project, Fixed-price project

If you have a scope of work and clear budget, fixed-cost should be a good option of work model. With this work model, cost and timeline can be controlled in an expected range.

Fixed bid

Generally, software professionals who are able to clearly define project scope would prefer this model. As under this model, cost and timeline will be pre-estimated, and a lucid project plan will be drafted. Clients can easily pick out the right vendor and precisely control the expense.

For nontechnical clients, you are also welcome to try this model. Our business analyst will help you write out a specification based on the idea you provide. Later we will work out an estimate based on this specification for your evaluation.

Fix bid

What is "Fix bid"

"Fix bid" is a cooperation model where both parties agree on the project scope, functionalities, and delivery time before the project starts, and a fixed price is determined. In this cooperation model, the contractor commits to completing the project according to the agreed-upon price and delivering the specified requirements.


  1. Budget control: With a fixed bid, the client can have better control over the project budget and costs, mitigating the risk of budget overruns.
  2. Clear objectives and delivery time: By establishing project objectives and delivery time upfront, both parties can plan and manage the project schedule more effectively, ensuring reliable and timely delivery.
  3. Risk reduction: In a fixed bid cooperation model, the contractor assumes the responsibility and risk of completing the project. The client can entrust the project to the contractor with greater peace of mind, reducing their own risks and burdens.


  1. Limitations on changes and flexibility: In a fixed bid cooperation model, if the client needs to make changes to the project scope or add new features, it may require renegotiating the price and timeline, potentially incurring additional costs and delaying the project schedule.
  2. Not suitable for high uncertainty projects: The fixed bid model may not be suitable for projects with high uncertainty or frequent changes in requirements. In such cases, more flexible cooperation models like Time and Materials (T&M) or Agile development may be more appropriate.

In summary, the advantages of the fixed bid cooperation model lie in budget control, clear objectives, and risk reduction. However, it has limitations in terms of changes and flexibility and may not be suitable for highly uncertain projects. The choice of a suitable cooperation model should be based on the nature, requirements, and risks of the project.

Our Services

We provide exclusive services for your business
Web Development
Nova Software is a leading Web Development Company in China. We provide professional Offshore Web Application Development to clients all over the world. Since 2005, Nova Software has been helping many leading companies achieve their commercial goals they aim at online.
Mobile App Development
As experts in mobile application development, we have developed many successful apps for different industries. Our aim is to deliver custom, cost-effective and high-performance mobile applications for clients with the hope that we can bring true values to their business.
Product Development
Nova Software has a well-defined and mature product development process which comprises the complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) from business case analysis to warranty support of the product.
Our business analyst will be able to assist you in translating your business logic into professional technical requirements specification.
Our testing service will minimize the cost of customer support - and maximize the customer satisfaction by catching and fixing all bugs and defects prior to your software goes to final consumers.
As our eCommerce developers have extensive experience with nopCommerce, Java Springboot, Kentico and Sitefinity, we know their respective advantages and we know how to build the best and most appropriate web shop for you.

Technology Stack We Use

Our dedicated developers provide you the quality you need and the flexibility you want using the following tech stacks
.net core
Mobile app
android studio
Java Springboot

QA measures

Daily builds

Every morning, our developers get the latest source code from SVN and build it. At the end of the day, they will submit their code into the SVN and make sure it can be built.

Frequent release

Usually we set three or four weeks as an iteration, thus products are delivered to the clients every three or four weeks.

Development standards

Nova has set C# coding standards, DB coding standards, and Working Process standards for the programmers. If clients have their own standards, we will learn and follow their standards.

Code inspection

Experienced developers are responsible for reviewing and checking the codes written by other team members, and they do this on daily basis.

Prototypes and Documents
We use prototypes and documents to confirm requirements and avoid misunderstandings, which can greatly reduce the possibility of rework afterwards.

Developers will  fully understand the requirements and do self-test to avoid bugs and tester(s) will join early  to conduct sufficient testing from the perspective of users and customers.

Our Pricing
per Hour
  • 1-3 years of software developing experience.
  • Initiatives in communication and implementing tasks as assigned.
per Hour
  • 3-5 years of  software developing and project managing experience.
  • Can work independently or lead small teams
  • Work in aspects of requirements, architecture, development, testing, deployment, etc.
  • Can help clients achieve their goals.
per Hour
  • 6+ years of developing and project management experience.
  • Can provide professional advice in the context of the client's business.
  • Can manage a large team.
  • Can take ownership of leading the team to achieve the client's business goals.

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